The Florida Highwaymen Artists are coming back to Pompano! Two day event!
Sunday, November 28th, Day 2 of the 10th Annual Florida Highwaymen Art Show and Sale. We will have six artists in attendance: Curtis Arnett, Al Black, IsSac Knight, Doretha Hair Truesdell (widow of Alfred Hair, co-founder of the Highwaymen Art Movement), Roderick Hair (Alfred & Doretha's son), and Kandie Ingram (daughter of Mary Ann Carroll, the First Lady of the Highwaymen) who will have some of her mother's work.
Come and enjoy these vibrant and iconic paintings, meet the artists, and maybe start your own collection!
This page is for day 2, Sunday, November 28th from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm.
The Kester Cottages in Founders Park, across the street, will be open tours all day, both days; and Spanx the Hog be selling their incredible pulled pork or chicken sandwiches from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm.
There will be a photo tribute to Willie Daniels displayed in the Hood Center.
Buy your tickets for SUNDAY here. (for Saturday tickets, please go to the Saturday Event Page)
Please bring a copy of your receipt with you!
To learn more about the Highwaymen, click here:
Who's RSVPing
Patricia Rowley published this page in Upcoming Events 2021-09-30 21:37:53 -0400