Come eat, drink, and play all in support of Pompano Beach Historical Society and Museums. Please help us preserve Pompano's history! This year we are the guest charity for the McMahon Mix and Mingle. Join us at this private island paradise all while having fun and raising funds to help the Historical Society complete their mission to collect, preserve and publicize the history of the Greater Pompano Beach area.
Only a $25 donation entry - you can prepay by credit at Be sure to bring a copy of your receipt! Or you can pay at the door.
We will have casino tables where you can play to win raffle tickets for the amazing raffle prizes!
Buffet dinner and bar by the McMahons, along with pizza supplied by the newest and best Pizza Restaurant in Pompano -
Some great prizes to win! Both Silent Auction and Raffle Baskets!
Saturday, May 25, 7:30 - 11:00.
601 NE 3rd Street, Old Pompano
This is a residential neighborhood and parking is difficult, we recommend the use of Uber or other car service

Who's RSVPing
Julie Melrose rsvped +2 2024-05-08 19:21:23 -0400
Patricia Rowley published this page in Upcoming Events 2024-05-08 08:26:45 -0400